5060. Reverse Polish notation


Reverse Polish notation (RPN) is a mathematical notation in which every operator follows all of its operands. It is also known as postfix notation and does not need any parentheses as long as each operator has a fixed number of operands.


For example:

·        the expression 2 + 4 in RPN is represented like 2 4 +

·        the expression 2 * 4 + 8 in RPN is represented like 2 4 * 8 +

·        the expression 2 * (4 + 8) in RPN is represented like 2 4 8 + *

Evaluate the value of an arithmetic expression in Reverse Polish Notation. Valid operators are +, -, *, /. Operator / is an integer division (14 / 3 = 4). Each operand may be an integer or another expression.


Input. One line contains expression written in Reverse Polish notation. The length of expression is no more than 100 symbols.


Output. Print the value of expression given in Reverse Polish notation.


Sample input 1

Sample output 1

2 4 * 8 +




Sample input 2

Sample output 2

2 4 8 + *







Algorithm analysis

Let’s partition the input expression into terms, which are the number or one of the four operators. The terms will be processed as follows:

·        if term is a number, push it into stack;

·        if term is an operator, extract two numbers from the stack, perform the operation and push the result into stack.

When the expression is processed, the stack contains one number that is the result of calculations.



The expression “2 4 * 8 +” is equivalent to “2 * 4 + 8”.



The expression “2 4 8 + *” is equivalent to “2 * (4 + 8)”.


Algorithm realization

Declare the working array and the stack.


char s[200];

stack<int> st;


Read the terms till the end of expression, sequentially processing them.


while(scanf("%s",s) == 1)



Process four arithmetic operations.


  if (s[0] == '+')


    a = st.top(); st.pop();

    b = st.top(); st.pop();


  } else

  if (s[0] == '-')


    a = st.top(); st.pop();

    b = st.top(); st.pop();


  } else

  if (s[0] == '*')


    a = st.top(); st.pop();

    b = st.top(); st.pop();


  } else

  if (s[0] == '/')


    a = st.top(); st.pop();

    b = st.top(); st.pop();


  } else


Term val is a number. Transform it from the char array into variable val and push into the stack.








Print the result of expression that is on the top of the stack.




Java realization


import java.util.*;


public class Main


  public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner con = new Scanner(System.in);

    Stack<Integer> st = new Stack<Integer>();




      String s = con.next();

      if (s.equals("+"))


        Integer a = st.pop();

        Integer b = st.pop();

        st.push(a + b);

      } else

      if (s.equals("-"))


        Integer a = st.pop();

        Integer b = st.pop();

        st.push(b - a);

      } else

      if (s.equals("*"))


        Integer a = st.pop();

        Integer b = st.pop();


      } else

      if (s.equals("/"))


        Integer a = st.pop();

        Integer b = st.pop();


      } else








Python realization

Read the inpt string, the expression in Reverse Polish notation.


lst = input().split()


Declare the stack s.


s = []


Process sequentially the terms till the end of the list lst.


for v in lst:


Process four arithmetic operations.


  if v == '+':

    a = s.pop()

    b = s.pop()

    s.append(a + b)

  elif v == '-':

    a = s.pop()

    b = s.pop()

    s.append(b - a)

  elif v == '*':

    a = s.pop()

    b = s.pop()

    s.append(a * b)

  elif v == '/':

    a = s.pop()

    b = s.pop()

    s.append(b // a)



Term v is a number. Transform it from the string representation into the number and push into the stack.




Print the result of expression that is on the top of the stack.

